“Feeding when you are sick is feeding the disease”
The ShenYu center is oriented exclusively towards care and integrative health. This is one of its strengths.
Fasting is a practice of hygiene of the body, the emotions and the spirit used in many traditional cultures around the world which advocate it. Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, prescribed complete fasts to his patients as a treatment for many ailments, in traditional Chinese medicine, it is the first therapeutic tool.
It is effective in supporting the treatment of a large number of pathologies and injuries. This is thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect. Detoxification, or cleaning of cellular and toxic waste, which is carried out daily, is accentuated. This lowers the level of inflammation and restores effective immune function.
The acidosis crisis is the most frequent side effect encountered around the third day of the diet. Symptoms usually do not last more than 48 hours.
First day :
In addition to the 4 services included, you can count your cure with the following services:
The price of the course includes integrative health care, fasting support and accommodation on the estate.