Shiva Dhyan Yoga comes to us directly from the Himalayas through Master Shiva Guruji. Its origin comes from the fact that Shiva revealed Shiva Dhyan Yoga to Shakti and seven Rishis (sages) in the Himalayas. They in turn transmitted this precious knowledge which aims to obtain self-knowledge and attain enlightenment through practice. Himalayan Master Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar was trained by 21 Masters in the Himalayas and he then brought and gifted these breathing meditation and yoga techniques to Europe for mankind by forming Shivani Himalaya (Katrin Suter ) in Switzerland to become the first teacher of Shiva Dhyan Yoga in the world and to pass on her vast spiritual knowledge, which she does with Chrystelle Cablan.
Shiva Dhyan Yoga is an experimental method of meditation, which awakens and elevates human consciousness and leads to self-knowledge and self-realization, of one's essence, which is the lived answer to the question "who am I?" -I ? ".
Shiva Dhyan Yoga gives you the experience of yourself in SHIVA, which means:
S s: synergy - synchronization - symphony with oneself – sky (space element).
H h: harmony with humanity - horizon (earth element).
I i: initiation - inspiration - ignition (fire element). V v: vast - variety – vibration – water (water element). A a: ascension & awakening of consciousness - air (prana; air element).
The impact of practicing Shiva Dhyan Yoga is multi-dimensional and transforms you spiritually, physically, mentally & emotionally. Negativity is dissolved and inner peace, joy and unconditional love arise.
Shiva Dhyan Yoga helps you balance mind, emotions and soul. It gives you peace of mind and relaxation. It gives you experience of awakening consciousness. It frees you from grief, fear and doubts and paves the way to happiness and fulfillment.
Shiva Dhyan Yoga takes you beyond the ego and awakens unconditional love, compassion and divine light within you. It helps you grow, transform, expand your consciousness, become a giver of light, love, peace & joy to the world and ultimately leads to self-realization.
Shiva Dhyan Yoga is based on 5 pillars, just like the 5 elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which he also takes up in his explanation of SHIVA.
These 5 pillars of practice are:
21 movements make up the first part of Shiva Dhyan Yoga.
In your cures or visits to the ShenYu center, you can initiate yourself to this complete practice of body and mind.
Come and discover this Holistic practice of Yoga from the Himalayas, accessible to all, without special knowledge or flexibility required. Come and feel the well-being it provides and feel the relationship with the Divine that emerges from it.