Water, therapeutic, complete or partial fasting induces rapid weight loss. The body lacking "fuel" draws on its fat reserves. But in the first week or so, half of the lost weight is water.
Ensuring physical activity during the fast preserves muscle mass, which otherwise could be affected.
It allows you to be healthier. Resting the digestive system leaves the body free to regenerate.
The action of the liver is essential in the process of detoxification of the body.
During a complete fast the liver decreases in volume, because it eliminates its defective cells by the process of autolysis.
It has a beneficial effect in the context of the prevention of cancers, but also in the support of cancer treatments.
It has been studied as part of the treatment of cancer, in addition to chemotherapy. Fasting strengthens the stress resistance of healthy cells. Tumor cells become more fragile, faced with the effects of chemotherapy. It also helps reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.
Those affected by chronic inflammatory conditions and chronic pain may benefit from positive effects.
Water fasting can be used to prevent Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases, depression and other mental disorders and brain aging. It can also be very useful in case of declared disorders.
Water fasting slows down aging processes. It protects against certain physical and mental illnesses, through its action on oxidative stress.
It enhances the effectiveness of the treatment of a large number of common pathologies, such as bacterial and viral infections or wounds.
Autolysis or autophagy is the natural process of the body, which eliminates dead and defective cells. The detoxification of the body is thus reinforced.
It is also known to be effective against Candida Albicans which no longer has sugar to proliferate within the body.
Numerous case studies from natural health practitioners have shown its effectiveness on endometriosis. It is beneficial for reducing cysts and pain.
Two studies on hypertension have been carried out. Patients were water fasted, 10 days, with a 2-3 day pre-fast consisting only of fruits and vegetables.
80-90% of patients achieved normal blood pressure. All patients taking hypertensives were able to stop their treatments.
A study shows that 7 days of water fasting reduces the number of awakenings, while maintaining equal sleep time. Fasters experienced subjective improvements in their sleep quality.
One study showed positive results, with a significant reduction in abdominal pain, with a 7-day water fast.